March 15-18
Legend Villas Hotel, Mandaluyong City
Pioneer, Mandaluyong
Registration form: Download Here.
This years 84th Natcon had been moved to coincide and partner with WORLDBEX 2017 from Wednesday, 15 March to Saturday, 18 March.
Day 1
10am COF / NB Mtg ( Legend Villas )
2pm Registration / CheckIn ( Legend Villas )
5pm Architects Nite / Business Gala (WorldBex)
Day 2
9am Wall Mural (NCMH)
12nn Lunch (NCMH)
2pm Annual Biz Meeting (Legend Villas)
6pm Opening ( Legend Villas)
Day 3
9am Plenaries 1-3 (WorldBex)
6pm Honor Dinner / Investiture Rites / Closing (WorldBex)
Day 4
9am Check Out / Worldbex tour
Updated Program of Activities: Download Here.